Islam continues to be a source of curiosity in a world where many other faith traditions are losing followers. Intended as inspiration for minds curious about Islam, The Religion Is Easy offers a rich content addressing many core issues, like the pillars of Islamic practice and scientific discoveries that relate to the Quran. Other intriguing concepts discussed in the book include “authorship” of the Scripture, why people convert, etc. Aiming to emphasize the fact that Islam is not a difficult, exotic, austere religion, but one that is easy to understand and easy to follow, The Religion Is Easy provides a modern angle that will appeal to non-Muslims with data on tangible features that argues that the world is created, not random. While combatting the misunderstanding and mistranslation of Islamic concepts such as jihad and fatwa often found in western media, the book also describes some heroes of Islam, from the Prophet’s time (e.g. Bilal) to the present day (e.g. Sadio Mané).
Author: Adam Brown
Publisher: Tughra Books
ISBN 9781597849678
Dimensions: 8.5x 5.5 inches
Pages: : 256