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Salah: A Believer's Ascension to the Heavens

$1495 $1795

Prayer is an essential part of a Muslim’s life. While a believer can pray and offer their devotions any time and any where they like, Islamic tradition prescribes a specific form of prayers to be performed at five different times of the day. It is a celebratory act of submission in which believers align themselves with all other creation by offering their praise and gratitude to God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, as they stand, bow, and prostrate in propriety. These daily prayers are called salah, and this book is an all-comprehensive exploration of this spiritual act by one of the leading Muslim scholars of our time. The focus in this book is more on the spiritual aspect of salah, rather than its formulaic details which can be easily found in countless other manuals.

Author: M. Fethullah Gulen
Publisher: Tughra Books

ISBN 9798897290000
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: : 318