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Reasonings, The (Muhakemat)

$1995 $2495

A Key to Understanding the Qur'an's Eloquence

This illuminating guide presents an innovative and contemporary approach to the Qur’an and its philosophy in the Islamic tradition. From the religious tome’s purpose and objectives to its rhetoric and eloquence, various aspects of the Qur’an are examined while new insights are provided on the existence and oneness of God, prophethood, and bodily resurrection.

Bediüzzaman Said Nursi was a 20th-century Turkish scholar of Islam and the author of Risale-i Nur, a 5,000-page modern commentary on the Qur'an.

Author: Bediuzzaman Said-i Nursi
Publisher: Tughra Books

ISBN 9781597841290
Dimensions: 9.25 x 6 inches
Pages: : 157